lead generation agencies dress to impress

Lead generation agencies work is tough enough as it is – And working from home is becoming a drag for most of us now. The walls are closing in, and the days, weeks and months are merging into one another. We need some peopling. After almost a year of unspeakable boredom, anxiety, uncertainty, and grim news, we’re ready to scream.

Now more than ever, our emotions will impact how our calls resonate with buyers and prospects, most of whom are experiencing the same kind of frustrations. It’s reasonable to suppose that office dress codes are not something anyone should bother about just now. However, our clever army of workers think differently.

The Blue Donkey team, like all lead generation agencies, have to make calls that come across well, whatever happens in the world outside our door. So we have a few simple thoughts when it comes to clothing and dress.

How you feel is who you are – Lead generation agencies know this

How you look on the outside impacts how you feel inside and therefore your performance. This is something we’re all subject to and very much how humans tick. On the days when you’re feeling sharp, you’re more likely to be confident about how you look, and the tasks you take on. Lead generation agencies are making call after call. They are trying to build something precious from a database record and a client story. They’re also quite literally measured and benchmarked every moment of every day. It’s pressure that drives achievement and fuels adrenalin.

Whether the work is taking place at home or in the buzzing office environment is irrelevant to how output is measured. Results still need to be consistent with day on day, week on week, year on year comparisons. Dressing to impress is an easy single step to better calls and good outcomes. Looking good helps people feel more positivity, and that’s magic if you’re cold calling strangers and trying to impress them.

Maximising call rates

There’s no let-up just because we’re coping with the effects of a horrible pandemic. In fact, if anything, lead generation agencies like Blue Donkey have to work harder because budgets are tighter. So they make sure they’re delivering value and client spend goes as far as possible. That’s a big ask when everybody seems to be working from home. In fact, where receptionists were once viewed as gatekeepers, who stop you from getting through, they’re now a blessing, as they facilitate your reaching the appropriate decision makers.

So after all the hard work of finding and reaching the right buyer, the impression a call gives is critical. To get the most from every call, take care to continue the same disciplines and routines you have in the workplace. If you look and feel like every day is a Sunday, you’ll get the same results you get on Sunday. For most of us, that’s a long snooze in front of the telly.

First impressions last

Confidence comes from within, but most of us agree that looking the part helps us feel and perform better. We all make judgements about people based on their appearance and general demeanour. One of the most important aspects of personal appearance is it reveals how we feel about ourselves. You don’t have to work for a lead generation agency for your calls to matter profoundly to the success of your business. Self-confidence is critical to that success and being well-groomed is a vital part.

If you want to make a good impression with others, you need to feel good about yourself, even when you’re on the phone and people can’t see you. They still very much get a sense of how you feel, it’s there in your voice and your words. Even in your little home office, you can’t run away from your own truth.

When you feel relaxed and languid, you’ll communicate that to others and make them less likely to engage with you. So away with the pyjamas and slippers, from now on it’s your best heals and lippy every day.