
B2B Lead generation has increasingly become more complex and specialist with influences such as GDPR and CTPS making successful telemarketing trickier than ever. Quality management systems (QMS) have always had a big role to play in defining the specialness of a business, but today more than ever, a good QMS can be the difference between success and stagnation, particularly in B2B lead generation where output can be so variable.

History of QMS (Quality Management System)

QMS first emerged at the time of the industrial revolution, when consumption habits changed and work typically went from simple subsistence methods to large organised factories and places of work. 19th century pioneers such as Frederick Winslow Taylor, best known for his remarkable innovations in the early manufacture of the Ford motor car, designed a system that took the production of the Model-T Ford from an artisan creation which took a matter of weeks per car, to the production of a vehicle in a matter of days.

Essentially Taylor removed the variability of output, so there was a ‘best way’ to do everything, and then he modelled all the processes around this ‘one best way’ hence the birth of the production line and all modern manufacturing.

Coined the father of scientific management Taylor emphasised standardisation of design, to ensure a consistently high quality product was produced in the most efficient and effective way to ensure satisfaction, and price was optimised.

ISO 9001

As they did then, todays managers working on creating and implementing quality management systems, need to look at their different functions and decide on the best way to create the desired output. ISO 9001 is probably the most popular QMS in the services sector but there are others such as Kaizen, which is typically used in manufacturing. ISO: 9001 is an internationally recognised quality management system, based on eight quality management principles.

These principles cover all areas of management including customer focus, leadership, continual improvement, mutually beneficial supplier relationships, and fact-based decision making. By adhering to these principles, organisations can ensure they’re constantly improving and driving standards ever higher. Defining a QMS can also help business leaders to focus on their company as a whole and move the entire organisation forward.

For any business looking to achieve excellence, not just in their B2B lead generation, but across all their routines and processes, a sound QMS is possibly the only way to sustainable growth. According to experts if a company is looking to strengthen its processes, increase customer satisfaction and grow revenue, ISO certification is a sound investment because it’s the brand potential customers recognise and trust.

The very basis of developing a quality management system is that it offers a business the opportunity to define what exactly it is that differentiates it and model a cycle of continuous improvement around those attributes

Developing a detailed QMS approach gives business leaders the opportunity to think carefully about the different elements of their organisation and how these come together to form a successful unit. Although the same basic elements are applied in each QMS, the way they’re implemented in each individual organisation will be unique.

For example, a business that relies heavily on skilled, highly trained employees will respond differently than a business that works in tandem with its suppliers.

The process of examining every aspect of a business, and the way the QMS is implemented following development, helps business leaders to define what exactly it is that makes them unique. Understanding this in more detail can help managers to get the best out of their business model, their employees, and their suppliers.

To learn more about getting the best out of your business and maximising your organisation’s potential, explore our site or give us a call and speak to one of the expert members of our team.